STAND Down, Bullies

MVP Kids equips parents, teachers, and caregivers to be the best mentor in their children's lives. These resources correspond to our books and can help you dig deeper into the topics your child needs help with the most.

STAND Down, Bullies STAND Down, Bullies STAND Down, Bullies
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STAND Down, Bullies
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What Bullies Feel

Children who bully others often bully others to take the attention off themselves. However, this article from Psychology today shows why they may not realize they are doing it for that reason.

This article dives into asking bullies why they bully others.

Sibling Bullying

Siblings often have conflicts, but this article explains when they cross the line into bullying:

What role do parents play in sibling bullying? This article gives parents seven ways they can address sibling bullying as well as negative habits parents may not realize they are already doing:

Helping the child who bullies

These articles share step by step ways for parents to help their children who are bullying others:

Conflict Resolution

Learning how to successfully resolve conflict takes time and is a skill essential to learn when growing up:

U.S. Federal Government website managed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that includes extensive research, articles and training on dealing with bullying.